Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Preparations for Masters Worlds

Well, I think I am finally, ready for the trip to England for the Laser Worlds, well mostly ready. After much searching and talking to Laser Performance Dealers around the country, I was finally able to get a folded North sail for the Worlds. The problem is that the airline won't let me take anything longer than 80 inches on the plane, and the rolled sails are 108 inches. Well I finally have the sail with numbers and national letters, thanks to West Coast Sailing. I built a container for the tiller and tiller extensions I need to take with me, and did my twice annual replacement of my traveler line. Now just waiting for my jumbo sized duffel bag to arrive, hopefully this week. I have to take all lines and my tiller and extension with me, as well as the sail since those are not provided with the boats for the Worlds.

My flight leaves on September 9 and I arrive in England on the 10th. I will head straight to Hayling Island from the airport and hopefully get my boat for the regatta and get it measured in. Then off to the hotel in Portsmouth to check in. I am looking forward to spending some time in Portsmouth, I have heard there is a lot to see. The first race is scheduled for Monday (9/13) with 2 races a day with a lay day on Thursday. Since this is a Masters regatta, all us old guys really appreciate that day break in the middle of the regatta.

Preparation on the Chesapeake has not been very good this year, with light winds for all Laser events so far. I have been getting out on the beach Laser by my house (on the South River) on a fairly regular basis which has been helpful. Lots of opportunity to drill roll tacks and roll jibes. The practice has been evident with my roll jibes, using them often in both Tuesday evening races and weekend races to get past a competitor when needed. I was able to stay with a much lighter competitor on a Tuesday by roll jibing downwind effectively.

Not many more opportunities to sail before the Worlds now. This weekend is the District Championships at Corsica River Yacht Club. Unfortunately the forecast looks like we will once again have very light air for this event. The following weekend is Annapolis Race Week, but I do not think I will be sailing which will give me some practice time (hopefully). Then off to the worlds. Keep checking in and I will try to keep you all updated as things progress.

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